1. Competitors will have 1.15 hours to complete one hand of competition-style nail enhancements using clear or natural tips. White tips and/or forms are NOT allowed.
2. Competitors may either use liquid-and-powder acrylic products, light-cured gel products, OR wrap products in one technology.
3. Only sheer pink, clear, and white enhancement products may be used.
4. A relay team will consist of 3 relay members. Each relay member will have a sub-number of 1, 2or 3. Each relay member will have 25 minutes to complete his or her section. Each relay member must wear a piece of clothing of the same color so competition staff can easily identify relay team members.
5. Team member 1 will work up to the point of applying product, including tips—but no product may be applied. As soon as they are finished, member 2 may begin. Team member 2 will only apply product. Team member 2 must not use a file at any time. As soon as they are finished member 3 may begin. Team member 3 will file and finish. Team member 3 must not apply product at any time. When a team member is ready to switch they must raise their hand – and the floor sage will say OK. If you do not wish to switch early – our competition staff will instruct relay members when to approach their station and when to switch. There will be no talking between team members during the switching. The prior relay member must immediately leave competition area.
6. The model’s natural nails may be prepared for product application before the competition starts, but product may NOT be applied to until the competition starts. Relay team member 1 does this section.
7. No colored or clear products of any type may be applied to tips prior to attaching them to the natural nail.
8. Only unaltered clear adhesives (gel-type, brush-on, tubes, etc) may be used to attach tips to the nail.
9. All enhancement products must be applied to tips after the tips are adhered to the natural nail
10. Competitors must lay out tips before the briefing, but tips may not be applied until the competition starts.
11. No products, such as inverted tips or any “cookie cutter” products may be used to form or assist in making a smile line. All smile lines must be done by hand with enhancement products.
12. All files and buffers must be clean and unused and may not include additives such as oil; electric files, chamois buffers and buffing products may NOT be used.
13. Water only may be used to remove dust. Cleansing products (soaps, etc.) and moisturizing products (oils, creams, lotions, etc.) are NOT allowed.
14. The nail enhancements must be French-style (pink/clear and white), finished to a high shine only.
15. The underside of all nails must look the same.
16. Tip & Overlay will be judged in the following ten categories: smile lines, c-curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, moons, surface structure, lateral structure, length, overall impression, tip application and finish work.
Team spirit score does NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR RELAY SCORE. It only counts for the TEAM SPIRIT AWARD ONLY.
Judging criteria
Judge 1
Smile Lines – 10 Points
The smile lines are crisp (definition between pink and white)
The smile lines are symmetrical and consistent (even points and equal curvature)
“C” curves – 10 Points
The curvature of the nail enhancements is symmetrical and consistent
The depth of curvature is a range between 40% and 50%
The percent of curvature enhances the model’s nails
If nail enhancements are oval or stiletto in shape, consideration will be given for the apparent lack of curvature at the distal edge
Cuticle Area & Moons – 10 Points
The product is flush to the natural nails and close to the cuticles
The model’s skin at the cuticle area is in excellent condition (free from abrasions)
The moons are sculpted and properly placed
The moons have not been filed off
They enhance the nail extension
Shape – 10 Points
The shape is symmetrical and consistent individually
The shape is symmetrical and consistent together as a set
Judge 2
Product Control – 5 Points
The product is completely free of air bubbles and pits
The color of the product is consistent
The skin is free from all products
Tip Application – 5 Points
The tips are the right size for each nail bed
The tips fit perfect from side to side
The underside of the nails are neat, clean and free from glue and debris
Surface Structure – 10 Points
The top surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and perfectly contoured
The bottom surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and perfectly contoured
Lateral Structure– 10 Points
The nail enhancements align perfectly with the sides of the natural nails
If nail enhancements are oval in shape, the point at which the oval begins is consistent
The arch of the nail enhancements are consistently placed
Judge 3
Length – 10 Points
The length, measured from cuticle to the end of the extension, is consistent between matching nails (pinkie to pinkie, etc.) and in proportion to each other
The length is suitable for competition-style nail enhancements; a suggested range of a 1 to 1 ratio of nail bed to free edge is ideal, provided the length looks balanced on model’s hands
Polish or Color Application – 5 Points
The polish or color completely covers the nails (close to the cuticle and covers all edges)
The application is smooth, even and clean
The polish is shiny
Finish Work – 5 Points
The entire surface of the nail enhancement is smooth and very shiny (absent of scratches)
The edges of the nails are smooth and finished
The nails are thoroughly clean (absent of dust)
Overall Impression – 10 Points
The nails complement the model’s hands
The thinness is suitable for competition-style nail enhancements (the thinness of a business card, approximately .01 to .03 inches, is ideal)