1. Competitors will have 30 minutes to complete your Soak-Off Gel application - 2 hands. Work must be applied to natural nails only.
2. No enhancement products other than soak-off gel polish may be present at the station. No regular gel may be used in any capacity or point before or during the competition.
3. Model’s nails should be prepared for soak-off gel polish application before competition start time is called.
4. Cleansing products are allowed. This includes oils and moisturizers. Too much oil, or uncured products will receive point deductions.
5. The natural nails of one hand (competitor’s choice) must be covered with RED soak-off gel polish.
6. The natural nails on the opposite hand must be covered with French-style pink and white soak-off gel polish combination. Traditional French-style pink and white soak-off gel polish colors must be used.
7. No artwork is allowed.
8. Soak-Off Gel will be judged in the following ten categories: smile lines, shape, soak-off gel polish application (French-style), finish work, cuticle area, surface smoothness, soak-off gel polish application, product control, length, lateral view, color balance and overall impression.
Judging criteria
Smile Lines – 5 Points
The smile lines are crisp and reach completely up into each corner (definition between pink and white)
The smile lines are symmetrical and consistent (even points and equal curvature)
Absence of all shadows
Shape – 5 points
The shape is consistent finger to finger
The shape is proportionate to the hand
Red Soak Off Gel Polish Application – 10 Points
The soak off gel polish completely covers the entire nail (close to the cuticle and covers all edges)
The application is smooth, even, and clean
The soak off gel polish is evenly spaced around the cuticles
The hairline tip is covered with soak off gel polish
Finish Work – 10 Points
The edges of the nails are smooth and finished
The nails are thoroughly clean (absence of dust)
Cuticle Area – 10 points
The product is close to but not touching
The cuticles the model’s skin at the cuticle area is in excellent condition (free from abrasions and product)
Surface Smoothness – 10 points
The entire surface of the finished nail is smooth and very shiny
Nails are free from dull areas
There are no dips, bumps, or high spots on the surface
Pink and White Soak Off Gel Polish Application – 10 points
The white soak off gel polish completely covers the free edge of the nails, including the hairline tip
The white soak off gel polish is solid and completely free from all shadows
The pink soak off gel polish is even in shape and spacing around the cuticles
The application is smooth, even, and clean
Product Control – 10 points
The soak off gel polish is free of pooling at cuticles and lateral folds
The soak off gel polish is applied thin and evenly free of wrinkles and streaking
The soak off gel is completely cured
Length – 5 points
The length, measured from cuticle to the free edge is consistent between matching nails (pinkie to pinkie, etc.) and in proportion to each other
The length appears balanced on the model’s hands
Lateral View & Surface Structure – 10 points
Gel soak off polish application at sidewall and surface is even and straight
Sidewalls of natural nails are consistently shaped
The top surfaces of the application are smooth and perfectly contoured
The bottom surfaces of the application are smooth and perfectly contoured
The underside of Nails – 5 Points
The underside of the nails are clean and free from all soak off gel polish
The underside of the nails are dust-free
The underside of each hand should look the same
Overall Impression – 10 Points
The soak off gel polish complements the model’s hands
The soak off gel polish complete application is complete and needs no improvement
All rules were followed